About 3-Fold Alignment, LLC
Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:12, NJKV
The continual process of work that enables our thoughts and feelings to match our words and actions.
Work with professionals across all levels to collectively strengthen their organizations so their mission and values more closely align with their work environment and outcomes.
Partner with 3FA
Dr. Morrow is able to facilitate a variety of workshops based on the needs of your team. Workshop topics can include but are not limited to: team building, change management, diversity, equity, & inclusion, and strategic planning.
If you have a conference or event in need of a keynote speaker, Dr. Morrow is able to speak on some of the following topics.
Organizational Growth: change management, critical sensemaking, organizational power & authority, DEI in higher education, etc.
Individual Growth: navigating challenging professional circumstances, finding community during times of uncertainty, etc.
Work with Dr. Morrow in one-on-one or small group sessions to acquire feedback and suggestions about alignment related progress for your organization. Conversations can include any of the topics mentioned in the “workshops” or “keynote speaker” sections.